In September 2023 the Kenilworth Chamber of Trade held it's AGM at The Kenilworth Centre in the heart of the town.
Some of our longest standing and newest members joined us to find out more as Nadine opened the meeting with her Chair's Report which highlighted some of the highs and lows of over seeing a 100% voluntary organisation, whilst also managing her own businesses.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year, and I am very proud to be Chair of such a long established and respected local organisation. An organisation that had been formed in 1938. It deserves to be cherished and nurtured.
She went on to thank our Secretary (Alison Phillips) and Treasurer (Lilian Skinner) for their ongoing support who will remain in post for another year. She also thanked our Immediate Past Chair (Sarah Kershaw) who continued to share her insights and experience whilst Nadine settled in. Sarah has now stepped down from this role, but continues to support the Chamber as a member, and with the organisation of our Business Expo.
Lilian Skinner went on to provide everyone with an update on our annual accounts, which have seen an increase in income due to an increase in members and sponsorship of events.
The discussion then moved on to discussing the activities we have been doing this year, having relaunched the regular monthly face to face networking and hosted a Gin Tasting event where we got a chance to meet our newly elected Town Councillors.
The most exciting news of all is the return of the Kenilworth Business EXPO in November 2023, where local business will have the opportunity to promote their goods and services, as well as attend FREE talks about how to promote themselves through PR, Video and Social Media. Stands and visitor tickets are still available so please book your space here.
(Picture from left to right: Alison Phillips (Secretary), Nadine Hummert (Chair), Lilian Skinner (Treasurer), Roisin Ni Chonghaile and Priya Pandit (Committee Support)
As we welcome Roisin Ni Chonghaile and Priya Pandit to the committee, our aims for 2023/24 will still focus on our core services of promotion, information and representation.
We hope to continue:
Showcasing our existing members and encourage other businesses within the town to join us to begin to foster more local connections and support for the town.
Working closely with the Kenilworth Town Council and other business support organisations to ensure our members are accessing services that will secure their business.
Bringing more events that focus on connecting, learning and development, to share our skills and knowledge to help our members to grow and thrive.
The new committee would like to thank all of our members and other organisations who continue to support the Chamber. We wouldn't exist without you!
If you would like to be more involved in supporting the Chamber, please get in touch by emailing Nadine on