Member offer
Ernie is an experienced storyteller working with children 6-10 years old at holidays and birthdays...Adults must be present at all times.
Ernie Said...Storytelling Corner
Ernie Boxall
Storytelling Corner was a successful venture for three and a half years prior to the COVID pandemic closed the venue. Now it is resurrected in Kenilworth thanks to Milk and Mocha. One evening a month (for the time being) Storytelling Corner will provide a stage for storytellers, authors, poets and artists with a story, to entertain and educate a live audience.
Storytelling Corner will be a platform for men and women of all ages to tell their stories to the people who have come along to enjoy your experiences told in the way only you can tell them.
Entry is free (though we would encourage you to buy a coffee and cake) and a Storytellers' bucket will be available to help toward the travel costs of out artists.
For more information contact me here or meet me at Milk and Mocha...always a warm welcome.